Welcome to A Family Reunion!
Last updates to this site: October 2024.
Note: as of October 2024 I have decided to retire this site and instead maintain my family tree at "Douglas Graham's Family Reunion" on Ancestry. Information here will be gradually ported over; this is likely to take me a few years and so in the meantime, the pages here can still be consulted. No further information or edits will be done on this site.
A Family Reunion is the family history web site of Douglas J. Graham and France Marcoux, Kelowna, BC. It brings together the information available on the family history of our daughters Camille and Stéphanie Graham. The family genealogy thus covers Douglas' Danish and Scottish/Irish/English ancestors and the French-Canadian ancestors of France. Also linked above is my eMarcouxNet site; the associated database on the Marcoux of North America has about 23,000 Marcoux individuals.

In the margin are the approximately 380 surnames which are the known direct ancestors of Camille and Stéphanie and thus the focus of this web site. Note that the texts on the maternal side (ancestors from Québec) are written in French. You can go directly to a family of interest by clicking on any of these family names.
No personal information is included for any living relatives. Generally speaking, for any given lineage, information is only provided for direct ancestors and their siblings (I have previously included their children, i.e., to the level of first cousins of direct ancestors, but this is not practical!). [Note: except for recent generations, only direct ancestors will be ported over to Ancestry, not even their siblings as even that level of detail proved impractical.] For the most recent generations, information may be provided down to the level of second cousins. In all cases, I have endeavoured to provide links or references to more detailed information that can be found elsewhere and when readily available on the Web, information is not repeated here.
The earliest known ancestors of Camille and Stéphanie Graham on the paternal side are in family lines in England which eventually lead to the Tuppers in Massachusetts. The lineage to Edward and Agnes Fish (or Fysh) of Leicestershire, England is 18 generations. Edward was born about 1465. An even earlier ancestor is Simon Mayhew, b. ca. 1450, of Dynton, Wiltshire (this line representing 17 generations). On the maternal side, the oldest lineage is that of the Pijart family, a silversmith dynasty in Paris, from which my daughters are descended through multiple lines back through Louis Bolduc. This line is 18 generations, starting with Michel Pijart, born about 1470.
Major additions in last years
- October 2024: process starts to port all families over to Ancestry and to eventually retire this site
- May 2012: added chapters on Morissette, Gosselin, Corbeil, Truchon, Carter, Janson dit Lapalme, Roy, Bégin, Lecours, Cloutier, Martin, Fortin, Paris, Quemeneur dit Laflamme, Bleau, Turgeon, Dumas, Tanguay, Rouleau, Morin, and Bélanger (two chapters).
- April 2012: added new chapters: Richard, Gignac, Pagé, Gagnon, Baillargeon, and Langlois, adding numerous new direct ancestors on French-Canadian side.
- March 2012: moved to site to new domain at douglasjgraham.net as me.com web hosting about to be suspended by Apple; moved all my files to RapidWeaver software from iWeb; added Whidden and McJerrow chapters
- May 2008: beginning of move to new site location (at mac.com, later became me.com) and move from Dreamweaver to iWeb as authoring software
- August 2005: addition of Wisdom chapter, adding a new ancestor, Mary Maker, but delinkage of Scott and Mayflower lines removing 10 names from my ancestors...
- August 2005: revision of the Graham chapter; launch of Index database on WorldConnect of Rootsweb ("ReunionIndex").
- July 2003: major addition of further material on the Hallé family adding new ancestors Joly, Grénet, and Paradis.
- November 2002: addition of some information on the Hallé line, including new ancestral lines: Bourget, Carrier (twice), Drapeau, Dumas, and Valet.
The original A Family Reunion was written by me, Douglas J. Graham, when I was a teenager and the 170 pages were printed up in a hundred or so copies in July, 1982. The Reunion brought together the information that was available to me at that time on my mother's Danish relatives and on those from my father's side: mostly Nova Scotian branches of Scottish, Irish, and English emigrants to Canada. For this first edition, I owed a special debt of gratitude to my great-aunt Ethel Graham (1890-1975), the who through a long life time saved and collected the basic papers on the family, and to my two parents who were also critical sources of information on their respective families and of inspiration and support.
I have since grafted onto the French-Canadian family tree of France Marcoux and a great deal more information has become available on almost all other branches of my family. Fifteen years later, in 1996, a Revised Edition was launched as a web site.
Specific sources of information are acknowledged on the web page created for each branch of the family.